1. Публичные лекции на канале TED дают нам возможность углубиться в суть какой либо глобальной проблемы ,выслушав мнения компетентных в данном вопросе людей. От остальных лекций, TED talks отличаются своей краткостью, но в то же время не в ущерб смыслу. 2. Данный ролик я выбрал, так как меня привлекло его название, и, как мне кажется, имеет косвенное отношение и ко мне. 3. Выбранное публичное выступление поразило меня привидёнными в нём фактами масштабности изучения английского в Китае, а также простотой и понятливостью используемого языка даже без использования субтитров.
To be honest I dont know the exact meaning of this word. I know only that it is the science about the future based on questions like "What do we live for?". From the famous philosophers I can name someone like Emmanuel Kant, Socrates, Jean-Jacques Rousso e.t.c. I have never read their works but they must be interesting because of their popularity. In my opinion this science is not very useful but most likely I am wrong because of my non-acquaintance in it
I am describing my unkle Vladimir who is a 37-year old men working as a photographer. Because of a fact that he is my unkle I have known him all my life. In my memory he looked always the same. He has a pretty usual appearance: green eyes, short brown hair, almost white skin. In my view he is not very handsome but anyway he is not ugly too. He is a happy person because his work and hobby had combined - thats photograhy. As a professional photographer he has had many interesting trips during his career. As I know he is also a big football fan. His biggest plus in my view is his intelligent temper. He talks very politely and honestly to everyone - doesnt matter who with.Perhaps that helps him a lot at his work.